Phil Sandick is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the English Department at Georgetown University and a core faculty member within the Georgetown University Writing Program. He received his PhD in English (Rhetoric and Composition) from The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, where he taught first-year writing, literature and film, and also served as Assistant Director for the Writing Program. Formerly a fiction editor at The Carolina Quarterly, Phil received an MFA in fiction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His stories have appeared in Confrontation, Five Chapters, and The L Magazine, and has a book chapter in the collection of essays on creative writing pedagogy, Can Creative Writing Really Be Taught? (Bloomsbury Academic). Originally from Queens, New York, Phil has also taught creative writing, composition, and literature at UW-Madison, Philadelphia University, and Harcum College, and was awarded the UNC Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Award in 2017.
Courses Taught
Georgetown University
- Writing 015: Writing and Culture Seminar (Fall 2017-present)
- English 904: M.A. Capstone Tutorial (Spring 2019)
UNC Chapel Hill
- English 105: Composition and Rhetoric (Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2015, Spring 2017)
- English 128: Major American Authors (Fall 2016)
- English 142: Teaching Assistant for Film Analysis (Spring 2014, Spring 2016)
- English 123: Introduction to Fiction (Fall 2014)
- American Studies 266: Teaching Assistant for Bob Dylan and The Folk Revival (Spring 2012)
- English 102: Composition and Rhetoric (Spring 2010, Spring 2012)
- English 101: Composition and Rhetoric (Fall 2010, Fall 2011)
Philadelphia University
- Writing 101: “Finding Philadelphia” (Fall 2008, Spring 2009)
- Literature 225: “Worlds of Literature” (Fall 2008, Spring 2009)
Harcum College
- English 100: Developmental Writing (Fall 2008, Spring 2009)
University of Wisconsin-Madison:
- English 100: First-Year Writing (Fall 2007, Spring 2008)
- English 203: Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry (Fall 2006, Spring 2007)
Reviews, Interviews, and Fiction:
Review of Counternarratives by John Keene in The Collagist
Academic Writing and Presentations:
Book Chapter in Can Creative Writing Really Be Taught?
CCCC 2019, “Performances from the Failure Radio Hour”
Creative Writing Studies Conference 2017, “Presidential Oratory and Creative Writing’s Relationship to Oratory”